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quinta-feira, 1 de agosto de 2024

Yandex Retro Games Battle 2024

Está de volta a grande competição do ZX Spectrum e responsável por alguns dos grandes jogos dos últimos anos para essa plataforma: a Yandex Retro Games Battle. E ao contrário da última edição, que juntou várias plataformas, desta vez a competição volta ao formato antigo, isto é, apenas para o ZX Spectrum, versões 48K e/ou 128K. 

A competição inicia-se hoje e tem como prazo limite de entrega dos trabalhos as 23h59 do dia 28.07.2025. Pois é, têm quase um ano para desenvolverem o vosso jogo e apresentar algo a concurso. Os resultados serão divulgados a 30.08.2025 e haverá prémios pecuniários muito apetecíveis para os vencedores das várias categorias (e não só). 

Será que é desta que vamos ver jogos nacionais nesta importante competição?

Venham aqui conhecer as condições do concurso, a página também está em Português.

13 comentários:

  1. It's a pity that other platforms are excluded from the list

    1. Hum, I can´t agree on that. Speccy is my only lover... :)

  2. Anónimo1/8/24 21:19

    Yandex has always been targeted at the ZX Spectrum, like Cpcretrodev for Amstrad CPC, or MSXdev for MSX.
    It makes sense if you expect for a precise competition with same evaluation criteria.

  3. Very compelling arguments(: But a year ago the list of platforms was larger

    1. Hi, the jury president is here! Yes, last time we tried multiplatform, but the idea didn't take off - very few games were submitted, it was difficult to compare them with each other, and many jury members were not very keen to evaluate anything but Spectrum. That's why we decided to return to ZX Spectrum.

  4. Anónimo2/8/24 12:02

    It makes perfect sense to keep the competition for the same system, since different systems have different technical perks, advantages and disadvantages, making direct competition between them ilogical and unfair.

    As stated above, Retro Games Battle has always been about the Spectrum since its inception, and the previous year was the only exception, with not-so-great results.

    There are different competitions and sources available for other systems, and mixing it all up just results in a dillution of titles for the machine one is interested on (look at what happened to Retro Gamer UK, currently a magazine for everyone and no-one, where you can find virtually nothing of interest if you're onto a specific machine such as the Spectrum).

    In fact, what we need is more Spectrum-specific events and media; Crash is pretty much the only regular magazine currently dedicated to the Spectrum, with other publications having ceased or being on indefinite pause, and each time I want to read a review for a Spectrum homebrew that is not in Crash or Planeta Sinclair, it's a total headache (El Mundo del Spectrum, another example, rarely do reviews now, and when they do, well, they waste time reviewing the same 40-year-old classics instead of focusing in some of all those new games we want to know about...).

    Speaking of which: André, we need more reviews of both new games and also games from the obscure 2000-2015 period in Planeta Sinclair ! I know you can't do it all alone - how about advertising a little campaign in the main page to "recruit" some reviewer help from willing enthusiasts ? All sites do it... :)

    1. Hi! I´ve tried it before on facebook, several times. But no one offered to do some reviews. I may need to chage the channel, you´re right. ;)

      And it is curious, I´m current playing the games between 1994 and 2015, and I plan to do some reviews of some of the best games from that period, yes. I wish I had more time, I have two jobs at the moment, and I'm drowning...

    2. And I found wonderful gems from the 1994-2015 period I wasn´t aware :)

  5. Anon, it would be nice to introduce ourselves. We don't bite(:

    1. Fortunately, PS still is a very friendly place (like SC). Even when we agree to disagree :)

    2. And most importantly - a cozy place
