sexta-feira, 22 de outubro de 2021

Crowdfunding para The Rubber-Keyed Wonder

Os autores de From Bedrooms to Billions voltam à carga com novo documentários sobre o nosso amado ZX Spectrum, completando a trilogia. São mais 80 minutos de documentários, recheados de extras. Eis alguns dos tópicos que provavelmente irão aparecer no filme:

  • What was the world like before home computers and when did they first start to appear (self-assembly and pre-assembled)?
  • The story of the Z80 chip and Sir Clive Sinclair's dream of offering cheap computing to everyone.
  • The story of Sinclair Research, Sir Clive Sinclair and the events and releases (MK 14, ZX 80, ZX 81) that led up to the eventual release of the ZX Spectrum in 1982.
  • The rivalries from other companies and hardware.
  • How was the ZX Spectrum exported across the world and cloned?
  • The later iterations of the ZX Spectrum that followed before and after Amstrad buying Sinclair Research in 1986.
  • What it was like to program for the ZX Spectrum?
  • How did you design graphics and sound for the ZX Spectrum?
  • What was it like to firstly receive and then own and play on the ZX Spectrum?
  • Memories of the ZX Spectrum Peripherals good and bad.
  • How did the computer magazine industry rise up to support the ZX Spectrum?
  • What were the most significant games for the ZX Spectrum?
  • Who were the most significant games developers and publishers who rose up because of the ZX Spectrum.
  • The homebrew community who kept the ZX Spectrum alive across the years.
  • The love for the ZX Spectrum today and the highly successful ZX Spectrum Next.

Poderão aceder aqui à campanha. Vamos fazer disto um sucesso!

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